Assets/Employee Verification

Veriisure is a secure, unbiased, and transparent background verification service created with the expertise of Market Leaders. It caters to all the verification needs that any business might have, be it for employees, third parties, Field investigations, Housing loans, personal loans, consumer durable loans, or assets, Veriisure does it all. Veriisure provides a phygital solution for carrying out verification services. It is strongly backed by SAMIL's Group Company - ADROIT Inspection & Valuations, which is MSME certified with 17 years of industry experience. Adroit holds extensive knowledge in the field of inspection and valuations that plays a significant role in Veriisure.

0 Cases so far


  • Employment Verification
  • Third Party Verification
  • Assets Verification
  • Field Investigation
How We Work
At Adroit Auto, we offer a range of employee and asset verification services to help our clients and customers make informed decisions. Our team of experts conducts thorough verifications across the country and provides detailed reports highlighting any discrepancies found. Whether you need to verify a single employee or a large group, we have the expertise and resources to provide reliable and accurate information.

API Integration

Backend API Integration

Physical Inspection Process

  • Raise requests via mail or system
    Raise requests via mail or system
  • Fill details & select services
    Fill details & select services
  • Case assigned to field agents
    Case assigned to field agents
  • Phygital verification is done by Agents and submits reports to the Adroit
    Phygital verification is done by Agents and submits reports to the Adroit
  • QC check and final report shared to client
    QC check and final report shared to client

Our Clients

Shriram Automall
Kotak Mahindra Prime